
About Us

At some point or the other, in our lives as archaeologists, each of us has suffered from the lack of more information, more sites and objects to aid us in our research.

In a totally different part of the world, there is an object, lying in a drawer, a drawing room or maybe out in the open, forgotten, neglected and undocumented.

And then there are travellers, amateurs interested in collecting antiques and people with a keen interest in history, who come across these objects but do not know what to do with it.

We wish to bring these amateurs and the professionals like us together, so that together we can recreate the story past has to tell us.

“Forgotten History, after all, is Forgotten Culture!”

Speaking Archaeologically is an archaeological education group, based in India, which focuses on Object Analysis, documentation of neglected and forgotten archaeological sites and Rescue Archaeology.

It was founded in June 2015 by Shriya Gautam, a freelance archaeologist, along with her colleagues, Lyn Pease, Catherine Holtham-Oakley, Max Zeronian-Dalley and Molly Lockeyear.

Is that all we do?

If you’re someone who wants to try their hand at archaeology, professionally , or even as an amateur, we tell you:

i) The latest news about what’s digging and where from around the world.

ii) Sites in need of amateur volunteers

iii) Excavations that let volunteers as well as professionals join in side by side

iv) Archaeological Field Schools and Summer Schools